
Monday, September 20, 2010

The Weekend

Ok, Friday was uneventful, nothing happened, let's move onto the main event.

Saturday morning I awoke to voices coming from the kitchen. It was my family and some of my mom's friends. They were getting ready to head out to a fundraiser for a local guy who had recently become paralyzed. I asked what was going to be there, and they said, "Oh there's all kinds of food and games, plus a TON of stuff they're raffling off for the event!"

I decided to check it out, because hey, who doesn't love winning stuff? I showered and we headed out to the site where this was all going down. It was packed. Like "suck in you gut to get through the crowd" packed. After finding a table, my sister and mother went to get food while I sat there with my grandma. After about 30 minutes of being there, I started to freak the fuck out. My hand started shaking and I just knew I had to get out of there. My family asked what was wrong, and I told them I needed to go. I needed to get out.

I ran outside to the car and the shaking wasn't letting up. I picked up my phone and texted my sister asking her to take me back home. She refused and sent Mom to talk to me. After explaining that I was freaking out and nearly bursting into tears, she drove me back home. As soon as I got there I crawled right into bed and stayed there for an hour.

So yes, I learned I have anxiety issues the hard way. But it weird, because I've gone to much more crowded places than that and never had a reaction, so why did I freak out then? Can a person develop anxiety problems suddenly?

Anyway, that night when the rest of the family got home, my sister took me to Blockbuster and I picked up Red Dead Redemption. I'm loving the shit out of it, and I'm going to go play some more right now.

See you later internets.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, sometime people have weird reactions. Take me for instance: when I get in such a crowd you are describing, I freak out the same way as you. When I go to a festival with 100 000s people around me, I feel just fine...

    Maybe music or alcohol is helping?

